Monday, October 12, 2015


On the western coast of Italy is the Tyrrhenian sea, a good choice for our summer vacation. We combine the sun baths and the long hot days with the possibility to explore Tuscany and some of its famous cities.

Tuscany -the birthplace of the Renaissance. A world of fine art, extraordinary pictures, frescoes, sculptures. There is a lot to see and hard to decide from where to start.

Starting from the sea cost we go to Pisa. The leaning tower of Pisa was always on our list with must visit destinations.We take the train from Livorno to Pisa. The connections are regular, several times per day and the travel takes a bit more than an hour.  

Pisa has a rich history, known from Ancient times, the city was one of the most important harbors in the Middle age, together with Genoa. In this period Pisa grew as a very important commercial center which controlled a significant part of the Mediterranean merchant navy. The financial power of Pisa at that time was presented via the glorious architecture in Piazza dei Miracoli.

Once arrived at the train station we are eager to reach this famous square that fascinates tourists from the whole world. Piazza dei Miracoli is located far from the station. We pass through the maze of narrow streets before approaching this magnificent place.

The square is recognized as an excellent example of European art and is Unesco World Heritage Site. This is one of the finest architectural complexes in the world. The unique atmosphere here is indescribable and hard to compare to any of the destinations we have visited so far.



The glorious architecture in combination with the green lawn, a preferred motive for every picture.

Here tourists and students repose and admire this amazing atmosphere.

The square has religious functions and is dominated by four main buildings: The Cathedral, The Baptistery, The Leaning Tower and Cemetery.


Located behind the cathedral is the bell tower, best known as the leaning tower of Pisa.


The Cathedral and its façade from grey marble.



The round Romanesque Baptistery. This overwhelming building is the biggest baptistery in Italy. 

The city of Pisa has many monuments, churches and museums that should be discovered.



We stroll along the River Arno and got impressed by the colorful stylish buildings left and right. 

The long walk leads us to one of the magnificent churches in Pisa- Santa Maria della Spina. This outstanding Gothic church has a fascinating exterior appearance and rich decorations. 

The more we explore Tuscany the more extraordinary it appears. Our next stop is Florence.


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