Monday, September 7, 2015


Exploring the widely varying landscape in Southern Black Forest we continue our trip to Todtnau Waterfalls. The waterfalls are a favorite destination not just for amazing sceneries and rich natural treasures but also as a tourist spot for hiking or mountain biking.

The waterfalls are close to the second highest peak in The Black Forest-Belchen. They are e
asily accessible by bus and the distance from the bus stop takes no more than 5 minutes walk.

Reaching the cascades we remain rapt of their size. Turbulent water falls from 97 meters high. Tourists can come close and relax on easy chairs.

These are exceptional views revealing the power of water. Is there any better way to be in close contact with nature?

The steep path uphill allows us to climb around the waterfalls. Here we enjoy the infinite beauty of The Black Forest.

The waterfalls have several levels that differ in high.

The most impressionable and exciting views are revealed from the bridge over the top of the waterfall.

Climbing uphill we approach the beginning of the waterfall. Here still calm water flows slowly in its rocky bed.

Going down to the bus stop we pass again along the majestic waterfalls, which are definitely one of the hidden corners throughout The Black Forest.

Todtnau waterfalls are a natural treasure and a lovely destination to enjoy some fabulous scenery during an emotional day. 

There are many other whole new range of experiences in this very special spot in the heart of The Black Forest which we will visit soon.

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