Sunday, December 27, 2015

Parque El Capricho de la Alameda de Osuna, Madrid

Parque El Capricho is one of the most beautiful parks in Madrid that completely forms the artistic and natural heritage of Madrid. The park is located at the periphery of the city but is easily accessible by metro line number 5.

The natural paradise was created in 1784 by the Dukes of Osuna and especially of the Duchess Maria Josefa. The place was a marvelous oasis for most of the prominent intellectuals in Madrid. According to the legend here Goya met the Duchess of Alba and fall in love with her. This love marked his entire works.

The park offers French, Italian and English gardens and is a real jewel of a romantic fantasy. The design reveals the personal taste of the duchess.

Casa de la Vieja, a peasant cottage.


Plaza de los Emperadores with a monument of the duchess Maria Josefa.


The palace with the fountain of  dolphins and frogs.


The green areas mark the entire landscape and create and create a feeling of freedom.

Perfect place for a stroll and stop in the hidden corners.

The casino, place where the Dukes welcomed their famous guests. Here the visitors could celebrate and talk freely, an atmosphere different from the royal court. This is one of the many Capricho’s fanciful buildings.

Right close to it is the lake, offering delightful, harmonic views. The tranquil boats rode along narrow canal, bridges and artificial lake.

Artificial River flows through the park and meanders between lakes, woods, rose gardens.

El Capricho is a romantic garden offering visitors delightful atmosphere and hidden spots waiting to be discovered.

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