Friday, November 20, 2015


Zaragoza is the capital of province Aragon. The city has an advantageous geographic situation and is famous with its gastronomy, traditions and festivals.

The first stop of our sightseeing tour is the Palacio de la Aljaferia the massive castle is unique and unforgettable. 

Dating back to Moorish times the castle represents traces of its glorious past. The building is a magnificent example of Renaissance and Arabian architecture fusion.

Built during XI century, by the rulers of the taifa of Zaragoza, the palace represents the grandeur and the power of Banu Hud dynasty.

The garden played a central role in the Arabic world, a place representing the paradise. 

Here gathered politicians, warriors, scientists, here the king impressed his visitors by presenting them a gorges world and demonstrating his power. After the capture of Zaragoza by Alfonso I of Aragon the Palacio became a home of the Christian kings.

Entrance to the patio.

Interior view.

The royal audience room fascinates with its wooden ceiling and painted walls. We are impressed by the fabulous restoration of the historic rooms.

The tower where Troubadour was imprisoned. The legend fascinated Giuseppe Verdi who wrote his world-famous opera.

The building is nowadays used by the Aragon parliament.

Palacio de la Aljaferia proved to be the highlight of our trip to Zaragoza.

The development of Mudejar architecture of Zaragoza is a result of the political and cultural prosperity of the city in XII century. 

This art, strongly influenced, by the Muslims traditions and is represented by several buildings and churches in the city. They all are declared as UNESCO Heritage.

Going to the city center we visit the oldest part of Zaragoza, located close to Ebro, a historically significant river in Spain. The existing and well maintained stone bridge reminds to the glorious Roman times.

Puente de Piedra.

Located close to the river, The Basilica Nuestra Señora del Pilar represents a harmonically mixture of several architecture styles: Romanesque, Gothic and predominantly Baroque. 

This is the first church dedicated to the Bless Virgin Marry. The church was built exactly on the place where Virgin Mary appeared to St. James when he was on mission in Spain. 

The Basilica is spectacular from outside and inside. 

The interior has a rich decoration dominated by the frescos of Goya around the main altar. Simply amazing and delight to visit.

The Basilica dominates the plaza and the surrounding area with bars and restaurants. This is the place we choose to take a rest and enjoy the sunny day.

Separated only in a short distance from the Basilica is the Zaragoza’s cathedral La Seo. The former mosque is an important church with a rich history. For centuries several Aragonese kings were crowned here. The cathedral nowadays greatly impresses by its beauty, interior and decoration.

Plaza del Pilar with the huge globe and the massive structure of the Basilica.

Fuente de Hispanidad dedicated to the Latin America countries.

Between the Basilica and the Cathedral is located La Lonja, a good example of Aragonese Renaissance architecture. The building is used for exhibitions.

In front of La Lonja is a collection of monuments dedicated to the famous Aragonese painter Francisco Goya.

The Roman wall.

Zaragoza is impressive, an exciting adventure to experience. We enjoyed strolling through the historic streets and discovered several hidden spots, representing centuries of history. They all reveal the various facets of modern and dynamic Zaragoza.

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