Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Alcala de Henares- The city of Cervantes

Alcala de Henares is located 35 km of the city of Madrid the city is famous with its rich history and as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The medieval city center is a charming place. On the top of the large buildings and churches there are nests of many white storks. Birds are a great tourist attraction and bring a unique atmosphere.

Located on Plaza Santo Domingo and very close to the Plaza of Cervantes, the building of the University is amazing with its charming beauty. 

This is one of the oldest universities in the world and a major landmark of the city.

Its façade is impressive and the architecture breathtaking.

Very close to the university is located the Plaza de Cervantes, the true center of Alcala de Henares.

The place is dominated by the Cervantes sculpture in the middle of it. 

The line of trees and the blooming flowers bring charm to this pleasant place.

Located just behind is the tower of St. Marry.


Capilla del Oidor, the old church is the place where Cervantes was baptized and nowadays is used as an exhibition hall.

Close are located many wonderful and historical sites.

Walking along the Calle Mayor we reach the Casa Natal de Cervantes, an amazing treasure in Alcala de Henares. Here Cervantes was born and spent his early life.

 Plaza de las Bernardes and Convento de San Bernardo.

Nearby is located the palace of the Archbishop. 

Here Christopher Columbus and Ferdinand of Aragon planned the expedition to the West. Here was born the daughter of the catholic kings, Catherine of Aragon, who later became the first wife of King Henry VIII of England.

The cathedral is very small but impressive with its elegant simplicity and modest decoration, compared to other cathedrals in Spain.

Palacete Loredo, nowadays used for exhibitions.

Quiet, beautiful and full of history, Alcala de Henares is a nice destination for a day trip.


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