Sunday, November 8, 2015


Located in the plains of Castile and Leon, Segovia is one of the most important historical cities close to Madrid.
The old town of Segovia and its Aqueduct are declared World Heritage Sites by UNESCO.

The most remarkable place, which definitely marks the historical features of the city, is the Roman Aqueduct.

We take the stairs to the top of the Aqueduct. 

Several viewing points reveal marvelous views over the Aqueduct and its dimensions and the square below. Quite impressive!

Strolling through the picturesque old town with its narrow, twisting streets, bordered with a medieval wall and two rivers, we reach the main square.

Plaza Mayor where Isabella the Catholic has been crowned as a queen. Nowadays the place offers nice restaurants. The best location to take a rest and enjoy the Spanish atmosphere.

The cathedral of Segovia is a real masterpiece of Spanish architecture with its dimensions, numerous fine windows, spires and statutes.

The royal palace Alcazar is acknowledged as one of the most remarkable castles in Spain. Located on a rock above the confluence of two rivers, initially the building was used as a fortress and later reconstructed to a castle.

It has been the most favorite residence of the King of Castile. In the chapel here Henry IV married Anna of Austria

Armory room.

The Throne room.

The bedroom.

From the tower we enjoy stunning views over the cathedral the medieval city wall and Guadarrama mountains.

View towards the Roman Catholic monastery of Saint Mary of Parral...

and the valley below.

Going back to the city center we pass through San Esteban Church placed in the heart of Segovia.

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