Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Alcala de Henares- The city of Cervantes

Alcala de Henares is located 35 km of the city of Madrid the city is famous with its rich history and as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The medieval city center is a charming place. On the top of the large buildings and churches there are nests of many white storks. Birds are a great tourist attraction and bring a unique atmosphere.

Located on Plaza Santo Domingo and very close to the Plaza of Cervantes, the building of the University is amazing with its charming beauty. 

This is one of the oldest universities in the world and a major landmark of the city.

Its façade is impressive and the architecture breathtaking.

Very close to the university is located the Plaza de Cervantes, the true center of Alcala de Henares.

The place is dominated by the Cervantes sculpture in the middle of it. 

The line of trees and the blooming flowers bring charm to this pleasant place.

Located just behind is the tower of St. Marry.


Capilla del Oidor, the old church is the place where Cervantes was baptized and nowadays is used as an exhibition hall.

Close are located many wonderful and historical sites.

Walking along the Calle Mayor we reach the Casa Natal de Cervantes, an amazing treasure in Alcala de Henares. Here Cervantes was born and spent his early life.

 Plaza de las Bernardes and Convento de San Bernardo.

Nearby is located the palace of the Archbishop. 

Here Christopher Columbus and Ferdinand of Aragon planned the expedition to the West. Here was born the daughter of the catholic kings, Catherine of Aragon, who later became the first wife of King Henry VIII of England.

The cathedral is very small but impressive with its elegant simplicity and modest decoration, compared to other cathedrals in Spain.

Palacete Loredo, nowadays used for exhibitions.

Quiet, beautiful and full of history, Alcala de Henares is a nice destination for a day trip.


Friday, November 20, 2015


Zaragoza is the capital of province Aragon. The city has an advantageous geographic situation and is famous with its gastronomy, traditions and festivals.

The first stop of our sightseeing tour is the Palacio de la Aljaferia the massive castle is unique and unforgettable. 

Dating back to Moorish times the castle represents traces of its glorious past. The building is a magnificent example of Renaissance and Arabian architecture fusion.

Built during XI century, by the rulers of the taifa of Zaragoza, the palace represents the grandeur and the power of Banu Hud dynasty.

The garden played a central role in the Arabic world, a place representing the paradise. 

Here gathered politicians, warriors, scientists, here the king impressed his visitors by presenting them a gorges world and demonstrating his power. After the capture of Zaragoza by Alfonso I of Aragon the Palacio became a home of the Christian kings.

Entrance to the patio.

Interior view.

The royal audience room fascinates with its wooden ceiling and painted walls. We are impressed by the fabulous restoration of the historic rooms.

The tower where Troubadour was imprisoned. The legend fascinated Giuseppe Verdi who wrote his world-famous opera.

The building is nowadays used by the Aragon parliament.

Palacio de la Aljaferia proved to be the highlight of our trip to Zaragoza.

The development of Mudejar architecture of Zaragoza is a result of the political and cultural prosperity of the city in XII century. 

This art, strongly influenced, by the Muslims traditions and is represented by several buildings and churches in the city. They all are declared as UNESCO Heritage.

Going to the city center we visit the oldest part of Zaragoza, located close to Ebro, a historically significant river in Spain. The existing and well maintained stone bridge reminds to the glorious Roman times.

Puente de Piedra.

Located close to the river, The Basilica Nuestra Señora del Pilar represents a harmonically mixture of several architecture styles: Romanesque, Gothic and predominantly Baroque. 

This is the first church dedicated to the Bless Virgin Marry. The church was built exactly on the place where Virgin Mary appeared to St. James when he was on mission in Spain. 

The Basilica is spectacular from outside and inside. 

The interior has a rich decoration dominated by the frescos of Goya around the main altar. Simply amazing and delight to visit.

The Basilica dominates the plaza and the surrounding area with bars and restaurants. This is the place we choose to take a rest and enjoy the sunny day.

Separated only in a short distance from the Basilica is the Zaragoza’s cathedral La Seo. The former mosque is an important church with a rich history. For centuries several Aragonese kings were crowned here. The cathedral nowadays greatly impresses by its beauty, interior and decoration.

Plaza del Pilar with the huge globe and the massive structure of the Basilica.

Fuente de Hispanidad dedicated to the Latin America countries.

Between the Basilica and the Cathedral is located La Lonja, a good example of Aragonese Renaissance architecture. The building is used for exhibitions.

In front of La Lonja is a collection of monuments dedicated to the famous Aragonese painter Francisco Goya.

The Roman wall.

Zaragoza is impressive, an exciting adventure to experience. We enjoyed strolling through the historic streets and discovered several hidden spots, representing centuries of history. They all reveal the various facets of modern and dynamic Zaragoza.

Sunday, November 15, 2015


Cuenca is one of the most famous cities in the province of Castile-La Mancha. The unusual and well-preserved medieval fortified town is located between Madrid and Valencia.

The old town of Cuenca can be accessed by buss from the main station. The buss goes up to the hill following the extremely steep and narrow streets.

Cuenca historical center is Unesco World Heritage Site. The landscape of the town is dominated by important buildings, such as Spain's first Gothic cathedral, located at the main square. 

Definitely the cathedral with its unique façade fascinates huge number of tourist who brings additionally a living and vibrant atmosphere.

Astonished and inspired we stroll along the narrow street and reached the castle.

The cobble stone streets, old houses and historical churches complete the medieval atmosphere.

Cuenca is famous with its craft traditions. The local shops offer along with souvenirs typical ceramic products as well.

The location of the city has many advantages and several viewpoints reveal the magnificent panoramic and stunning countryside.

The tremendous views from here reveal spectacular nature in combination with the unique city architecture.

We take a rest and admire the unique beauty. Definitely the landscapes from here are one of the reasons we came to Cuenca.

Going back to the main square we take a break at one of the many restaurants. The cuisine here is amazing and we enjoyed and excellent meal.

Walking down the streets we reach the famous casas colgadas (hanging houses), built over cliffs and overlooking the river and the monastery.

Saint Paul Bridge (Ponte de San Pablo) connects them with the convent. The bridge is hanging over a gorge. Pretty scary, especially when the wind blows.

The views from here are spectacular and delight.

On the way back to the station we walk along the narrow streets and enjoy the stunning views at every corner.

The best place to take a rest is at the local parks which offer a moment of calm and quiet. Even the views from here are outstanding.

Cuenca is definitely a spectacular city, amazing with its nature, architecture and plenty of history. We were fortunate enough to visit this unforgettable place. What a memorable trip in this late autumn day.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Toledo, City of Three Cultures

Located in the province Castile-La Mancha, Toledo is known as a "City of Three Cultures". It is one of the Spanish cities with the most attractions left by Christians, Muslims and Jews, who lived here together within centuries. 

Many important personalities were born or died in Toledo. One of the best known is El Greco. The famous painter spent here most of his life and created his contradictory masterpieces.

Toledo is also well-known with its artistic and cultural heritage represented by the numerous churches, palaces, fortresses, mosques and synagogues. The large variety of styles makes the old city a real open-air museum. Therefore, it was also declared as a Unesco World Heritage Site.

Our daily trip to Toledo starts from Madrid Atocha. Direct fast trains circulate every hour and offer the best way to reach Toledo in just 30 min.

The old historical city is located on a hill and surrounded by Tagus River. We pass through the arch bridge Puente de Alcantara which leads to the city center.

Located on the opposite side of the river is the Castello of San Servando. 

The medieval castle, also used as a monastery, is very impressive with its architecture.

Passing through several gates and steep streets we arrive at the picturesque Plaza de Zocodover, a crowded place for social events, offering numerous restaurants and souvenirs shops.

Right close to the main square is Alcazar de Toledo which played a dramatic role in the Spanish Civil War.

One of the most outstanding buildings in the city is the Cathedral, which is considered as one of the masterpieces of the Gothic art. Its construction took several years and a large number of important artists left their remarkable work here.

 Getting to know the unique atmosphere of the city...

we stroll through the narrow streets of Toledo, 

characterized by their stylish mixture of synagogues, mosques and churches.



The mosque Cristo de la Luz reconstructed to a church.

Puerta del Sol


A view over the city, the medieval wall and Puerta de Bisagra.



Several observation points review magnificent views over the city and its surroundings.

The most remarkable of the cuisine in Toledo is that here the first marzipan was produced by nuns of the Convent of San Clemente. The marzipan produced in Toledo is considered as the best in the world.

Toledo and its surroundings are inspiring. The city is definitely an obligatory stop for everyone visiting Spain.