Sunday, June 26, 2016

Magic in Bergamo

Bergamo is one of the most beautiful cities in the Italian province of Lombardy. Rich in history, Bergamo strikes visitors with its extraordinary charm. The unique city consists of two parts-Lower Town and Upper Town, located on a hill.
La citta alta impresses with its old charm. The historical city center can be reached by a funicular, which within a minute brings you to another place and time, a total contrast to the modern downtown.


Panoramic views, a gift to the eye and the heart.

The old churches, charming buildings, narrow streets, good restaurants, everything here looks so welcoming.
The heart of the old town is Piazza Vecchia, a totally charming place in every aspect. The best place to take a rest in one of the many restaurants and admire the amazing scenes around.

Palazzo della Ragione, in the middle of Piazza Vecchia, is a key attraction of the beautiful square. Built in the 12th century by the Venetians, the building testifies the long period of Venetian dominance.

A splendid square surrounded by stunning buildings and Fontana Contarini.

The Angelo Mai Library at Piazza Vecchia.


From here we had a fantastic view to the Campanone and Torre Civica. The municipal tower, built is 12th century, is 54 meters high. For centuries the main bells have been rang to mark the hour when city gates were closed.

Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore in the center of Bergamo impresses by its beautiful proportions and stunning architecture.

The tranquil atmosphere inside brings enjoyable moments of silence. We really like the stunning tapestries and the rich decorations.

Cappella Colleoni  is a church and mausoleum at the same time. The façade is so fascinating with its many details, sculptures and colorful. The chapel was commissioned by the great condottiere Bartolomeo Colleoni. Colleoni fought for Venetians and as recognition of his loyalty he was given Bergamo. Colleoni tomb is inside the chapel. There is also an altar and statues.


The area around is also very impressive by its stunning historical architecture. A real gem!!!

The elegant octagonal Baptistery.

Walking around the Citta Alta we found a wonderful stroll through time, a perfect opportunity to discover Bergamo’s secrets like Rocca di Bergamo.

Situated on the top of a hill, the citadel reveals fantastic views towards the city and the region.

Perfect opportunity to come into direct contact with nature in an extraordinary area.

Bergamo has a prominent place in the history of music and the famous composer Gaetano Donizetti was born here.

Bergamo truly projected the atmosphere of the Renaissance. The town is so lovely, a wonderful example of a small historical Italian town.

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