Monday, March 7, 2016

Venice, one of the most charming cities in the world

Venice is a magical city and UNESCO site.This is one of the most fascinating cities in the world, impressing with so much history and architecture.

The city is located on over hundred islands separated by canals and connected by bridges. Venice was also the capital of the powerful Venetian Republic, the biggest maritime republic in the Middle Ages. Nowadays the glorious history of the city can be admired at every corner. 



Venice has a special flair. The grandiose of the buildings, the charm of the canals and the unique romantic atmosphere, make the city one of the best tourist destinations not just in Italy but also in the world.


The whole Venice experience is seeing the amazing canals by romantic gondola ride and enjoying the old buildings. Canale Grande is the heart of Venice and the main canal in the city, it is very nice to walk here and admire the unique atmosphere full of sounds, colors and feelings. The wonderful old buildings additionally bring a special charm to this unique place.


Canale Grande the main water transportation canal in Venice.



Around the canal are many wonderful buildings-palazzos in Venetian Gothic architecture, representing the power of the Venetian noble and rich families.



No words can describe the beautiful views around.


Picturesque place and brilliant sceneries which can be seen only in Venice.




The spectacular sunset on Grand Canal.


Here we could not miss visiting the famous Ponte de Rialto. Rialto, the oldest bridge in Venice and the area here has always been the main commercial and financial center of the city. 



The historical bridge and the small shops are truly magnificent and one of the most famous Venice landmarks.

Walking around the adjacent small streets and canals is another unforgettable experience, the best way to feel the unique atmosphere of Venice.


Another fascinating attraction is Piazza San Marco, one of the finest squares in Italy. The square has also been the main political, social and religious center of the Venetian Republic. The stunning views around are just amazing. The atmosphere is vivid and many enthusiastic visitors admire the most famous buildings like Doges palace and the fascinating Basilica di San Marco. This square is rich in history and exceptional architecture. Definitely a lovely place to wander and admire.



The arcade of buildings with restaurants and shops.



On one end of the square is the harbor and the gondolas. We enjoy from here the islands of the Venetian lagoon.




Located over huge columns are the bronze sculptures of the Venetian Lion as well as the sculpture of St. Marco both are the symbols of the city.



Doges palace in Venetian Gothic style, represents the glory of the city’s past and reveals the life of doges and the power of the Venetian Republic. The main court room is magnificent and rich decorated. Here we learned about Casanova and visited the hidden torture rooms.


Just behind the palace is located the famous bridge of the sights, the most photographed bridge in Venice. Before enetring the prison, prisoners have crossed this bridge. This was their last contact with freedom and last view of civilization. 


The amazing old Basilica di San Marco is so wonderful with its golden decorations, colorful mosaics and many statues, precious medieval decorations and relics collected all over the world. From the balcony we enjoyed the San Marco square and the lagoon.




Basilica di San Marco and its fascinating façade combining Italian and Byzantine elements.



Campanile the bell tower of the basilica has five bells, each one of them with its own history.



Another attraction here is the amazing Torre dell’Orologio. This 16th century clock is located on a big tower. It is ornated and represents the moon phases and other astrological signs. On the top of the tower are two figures, striking the hours on a bell.


Unique, unforgettable, romantic,Venice is undoubtedly one of the most fascinating cities in the world. Canals, gondols, stunning architecture and rich historical past, Venice offers always something new to discover and admire.


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