Sunday, March 5, 2017

Moments of Relaxation in Candelaria

From Santa Cruz we took the trip to Candelaria, a town with a beautiful historical center and exclusive charm. The historical and religious importance of Candelaria makes the city unique in the Canary Islands. The city has its own identity and it is important place of pilgrimage.

A lovely and relaxing walk along the seafront revealed breathtaking views to the sea...

... and the waves crashing against the rocks and the Canary black sand beach.

The beautiful promenade is a few kilometers long.

This small town boasts the Basilica of Our Lady Candelaria, the Patron Saint of the Canary Islands is right near the sea.

We visited the town on 2th February when the festival to honor the Virgen the Candelaria took place. The town was completely overcrowded by tourists and visitors.

This is a very beautiful basilica with a wonderful stained glass windows, impressive altar and very worth to visit. The basilica is welcoming to visitors and is home of the black Madonna. There was a service ongoing when we visited and we really enjoyed the spiritual atmosphere.

The cathedral with its 45m high bell tower.

Next to the Basilica is also the Dominican monastery built in 19th century.

We had a nice afternoon here and enjoyed a delicious Canary food and freshly prepared fish dishes in one of the nice restaurants around the square Plaza de Patrona de Canarias.

Huge and open square in front of the Basilica.

Right on the square and almost on the edge of the beach there are enormous statues of the Guanches, the ancient inhabitants of the island, who ruled the islands before the conquest of the Spanish trups.

Impressive statues of the nine kings of Tenerife- the Guanches were the natives of Tenerife.

Behind the Basilica is the cave Cueva de Achbinico, called Ermita de San Blass.

Here according to the legend the Guanche King Acaymo has brought the original statue of la Madona. The cave was the first Christian sanctuary dedicated to the Virgin Marry.

A view from the cave.

The pedestrian streets are full of shops in which you can find the ideal gift or souvenir of your visit.

We strolled through the streets that are so well preserved, a place where the old architecture is harmoniously combined with the modern one.

Candelaria is an intimate place with a special flair and we enjoyed our visit , here in the fresh air we enjoyed magical views.

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