Friday, January 29, 2016

Alcázar de los Reyes Catilicos in Cordoba

Located in the center of Cordoba the medieval Alcázar, also known as Alcázar de los Reyes Catilicos is next to the Guadalquivir River and the Grand Mosque. This is one of the greatest sites to visit in Cordoba.

During the time of Umayyad Dynasty, the Alcázar was expanded and included baths and gardens. Nowadays the interior is not that interesting. 

The small castle reveals several layers of history but the most prominent highlights are the Roman mosaics displayed in the halls.


We climbed to the tower and enjoyed the gorgeous panoramic views towards the city and the river.

When we entered the splendid spacious gardens we got impressed by their dimensions and the combination of flowers, floating water, ponds, fountains, beautiful cypress trees and orange trees.

 Orange trees everywhere.

Lovely garden oasis.


So so beautiful… flowers bathed with bright sunshine. No enough photographs can captured the atmosphere.

Stunning views towards the truly nice gardens and pods.

We simply strolled around and enjoyed the tranquility of this fascinating place. This was a real "heaven on Earth" experience.

The Alcazar is a highly recommended monument to visit in Cordoba, a real jewel during our pleasure stay in this unforgettable city.

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