Saturday, January 30, 2016

The Spectacular Plaza de España in Sevilla

Plaza de España in Sevilla is one of the most fascinating landmarks of the city. 

On Avenida de Isabel la Catolica, I step inside Parque de Maria Luisa, one of the finest in Spain, donated to the city of Sevilla by Infanta Maria Luisa Fernanda de Orleans. Here the visitor will find it hard to resist the temptation of luxuriant vegetation.

Located in Parque de María Luisa, this marvelous piece of architecture was built in 1929 to commemorate the Ibero-American Exposition World's Fair and represent a complex of huge half-circle buildings.

This spectacular park includes fountains, walls, ponds, benches, orange and palm trees, Mediterranean pines, and stylized flower beds.

This park has a unique and very romantic atmosphere additionally fulfilled by numerous street musicians.

Here visitors are amazed by the huge tiled panels dedicated to the provinces in Spain.

The ceramic benches show the Spanish provinces with their capitals and illustrate a specific event in the history of each of these provinces.

Very beautiful architecture for photography and romantic strolls.

There are so many small details to see in this truly spectacular place.

Simply inspirational bridges with superb decorations in combination with water channels.

It is delightful to take a walk or a boat ride along the broad semicircle.

Stunning views and a beautiful place to just sit and enjoy the surroundings.

Fabulous atmosphere revealing the awesome site of the square.

This memorable place has to be seen to be believed.

We spend a couple of hours walking in this simply inspirational and highly recommendable square and enjoy every corner of it. Lovely place to spend the afternoon.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Alcázar de los Reyes Catilicos in Cordoba

Located in the center of Cordoba the medieval Alcázar, also known as Alcázar de los Reyes Catilicos is next to the Guadalquivir River and the Grand Mosque. This is one of the greatest sites to visit in Cordoba.

During the time of Umayyad Dynasty, the Alcázar was expanded and included baths and gardens. Nowadays the interior is not that interesting. 

The small castle reveals several layers of history but the most prominent highlights are the Roman mosaics displayed in the halls.


We climbed to the tower and enjoyed the gorgeous panoramic views towards the city and the river.

When we entered the splendid spacious gardens we got impressed by their dimensions and the combination of flowers, floating water, ponds, fountains, beautiful cypress trees and orange trees.

 Orange trees everywhere.

Lovely garden oasis.


So so beautiful… flowers bathed with bright sunshine. No enough photographs can captured the atmosphere.

Stunning views towards the truly nice gardens and pods.

We simply strolled around and enjoyed the tranquility of this fascinating place. This was a real "heaven on Earth" experience.

The Alcazar is a highly recommended monument to visit in Cordoba, a real jewel during our pleasure stay in this unforgettable city.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

The historical center of Cordoba

Cordoba is truly impressive with its beautiful and the picturesque old city center, just an ideal place to take a walk and enjoy the local atmosphere. An area which we desire to explore on foot.

The medieval quarter of the former Jewish community La Juderia is a maze of narrow winding streets, artisan shops, white houses full of flowers, beautiful patios illuminated by the sun. This area gives a better view about the city and its history.

Most of the souvenirs here represent motifs from the rich decoration in the cathedral. These elements inspired local artists which included them in their collection.

Puerta del Almodovar takes us into the narrow streets of the Jewish quarter.

Walking along the narrow streets we found a little courtyard of local ceramic and jewelry artists.

El Zoco- small workshops around a patio

Very interesting area. The historical center of Cordoba is peaceful, old and fine, just surrounds the small square of the Great Mosque.

  Calleja de las flores. 


Plaza del Porto

Wandering and getting lost here but every time we discovered something new.

Just a wonderful maze of streets small churches, family hotels, typical restaurants and museums, an amazing place to get lost in.

2000 years old remains of the Roman Temple.


Museo de arte taurino

We cannot miss to try the local cuisine in one of the many restaurants at Plaza de la Corredera, offering a tremendous choice of local meals and many tapas bars.

Definitely the best place to get a glass of wine and enjoy the local atmosphere.

We decide to randomly stroll here and always find something interesting to enjoy here.

Another attractions is the bridge El Puente Romano built by the Romans built.

Close to the River Guadalquivir is the massive structure of Puerta del Puente.

Cordoba is just great and makes us feel welcome everywhere we go. It gives us a great pleasure just visiting this memorable city.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Cordoba And The Glory Of Its Moorish Past

The best way to experience Spain is to visit Andalucia -the essence of Spain and a land of flamenco, bullfights and passion. 

Andalucia simply fascinates with its intriguing and mysterious spirit.

The first stop of our trip is Cordoba. Founded by Romans, the city reached its greatest glory when it became the capital of the Moorish kingdom of El-Andalus. In this period was built the magnificent Great Mosque -"Mezquita", which – within centuries became one of the largest in whole Europe.

The huge 800 years old building has been a church, then a mosque and later converted to a Christian Cathedral again. Despite of the reconstructions, most of the typical mosque architecture remains.

Nowadays the Cathedral is well known with its dimensions and impressive decorations and was declared as a Unesco World Heritage site.

The main stop for us is the Cathedral, the most outstanding building in the city center. 

The yard outside is so beautiful with the orange trees but not even from here we can imagine how magnificent the interior is.

The cathedral is the highlight of our stay in Cordoba. It is opened for public in the morning, before the mass and in the afternoon.

The interior is decorated with more than 800 fabulous arches 

combined with superb decorative elements.

As lovers of history and culture we are fascinated by this impressive cathedral. Every corner of it reveals excellent views towards unique treasures and brings the spirit of Cordoba’s past. Just one of the greatest places we have ever visited!

So unique combination of Moorish and Christian architecture.

Absolutely spectacular place with its unusual mix of Christian and Muslim styles.

The Cathedral in Cordoba is just unique in the world. One has to see it to understand how stunning it is.

The impressive garden with orange trees reveals excellent views towards the tower. We spend several hours here just admiring the beauty.

Cordoba is so amazing with its unique atmosphere. For us the time spend here is an unforgettable and breathtaking experience. This is just an amazing historical city to remember and recommend.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Limburg an der Lahn- Romantic Medieval City

Limburg an der Lahn is the last stop of our trip along Lahn River. The small city is quite impressive with its vivid medieval traditional atmosphere, represented by lots of nice shops, cafes and small restaurants.

The pleasant walk along the city center passed through many beautiful old cobbled streets with lots of timbered houses of all shapes and sizes.

The perfect ensemble of old houses.

The house of the Seven Deadly Sins is one of the most fascinating timber-framed houses built in 16th century and depicts the seven biblical vices: pride, envy, gluttony, avarice, lust, anger and inertia.

The most prominent landmark is the cathedral erected almost 900 years ago, an excellent example of the Romanesque architecture style. The amazing cathedral is dedicated to St. George and is located on the top of the hill, on a rock above the Lahn River.

The cathedral impressed by its colorful façade and the square in front is a very peaceful.

Behind the cathedral is the old stone castle.

The atmosphere here is unique, transferring us to a journey back to the 13th century.

The castle has a great history and is a complex of several buildings.

The stunning views from here towards the river are just amazing.

Our visit in this romantic city is unforgettable. Limburg is definitely a nice and worth to visit destination. Here we experience traditional Germany at its best.