Saturday, April 1, 2017

Almond Blossom Festival

Rhineland-Pfalz is one of the leading wine regions in Germany well-known by its intact environment and close proximity to France. The whole region is full of joyful festivals throughout the year.

One of the most anticipated events is the almond blossom festival in the town of Neustadt-Gimmeldigen, a perfect way to celebrate the arrival of the spring.

Gimmeldigen is on the German Wine Route, the most scientific wine route which passes along castles, fortresses, churches, small towns, vineyards. The climate here is mild and the almond trees are blooming at the end of March.

To enjoy perfectly the nature and the first sunny days of the year we visited the city of Neustadt and walked to the neighboring community of Gimmeldingen

where a magical setting awaited us.

This very special walk revealed magnificent views all around


a real symphony of pink and rose.

We took a long walk along the street surrounded by a sea of pink almond trees, particularly richly and abundantly.

The spring could be felt everywhere.

The streets were covered by a magnificent pink color of the blossoming almond trees. 

Delicious food from the region was served and different kinds of wines were offered.

The almond blossom festival is the first wine festival of the year.

At the end of the day, we went back to Neustadt and took a relaxing and enjoyable walk in the center of the town.

I was really impressed by the ruins of the castle Wolfsburg, located on a rocky hill.

We as hiking enthusiasts had to Neustadt thorough one of the most spectacular hiking trials in Pfälzerwald. The mountain attracts many tourists thanks to the numerous footpaths leading to the summit. Here forests and vineyards offer the best environment for active recreation.

We reached the mountaintop restaurant, which reveals wonderful views towards Gimmeldingen and the Pfalz wine region.

A panoramic view of Pfälzerwald, a biosphere reserve recognized by UNESCO.

Sunset in Pfälzerwald.

Neustadt- Gimmeldingen is a nice place to visit for those who are looking for a wine experience and special pleasure. Here we found some of the most picturesque villages on the Wine Route and one of the most beautiful castle ruins in the region.